Flutter SDK

Over-the-air localization SDK for Flutter. Make changes even faster.

With the lokalise_flutter_sdk package, your Flutter apps can support over-the-air translation updates from lokalise.com.


OTA best practices

Make sure to check out our blog post covering some over-the-air best practices and recommendations to optimize and reduce the bundle size.


Try Lokalise for free

To play around with our Flutter SDK, sign up to Lokalise for free. Get your free 14 days trial on Lokalise and start localizing your mobile apps without the hassle.


  • .arb to .dart file processor, inspired and following the footsteps of flutter gen-l10n.
  • Custom localization class based on AppLocalizations by flutter gen-l10n for seamless replacement.
  • Over-The-Air functionality to deliver your text updates faster.

Retry mechanism

Please note that currently the SDK does not provide any built-in retry mechanism. However, as long as the update method is called upon every app start, it can be considered as a simple retry mechanism.

Getting started

To get familiar with Flutter apps internationalization check the official documentation.

Using OTA in your apps

Enabling Lokalise Over-The-Air functionality requires the following actions:

  1. Prepare your Lokalise project:
    1. Generate a bundle for Flutter SDK
    2. Generate an SDK token for Flutter SDK
  2. Prepare your Flutter project
  3. Integrate the SDK into your application