App content guidelines

All apps go through a content review process where they are investigated thoroughly for authenticity, correctness, and technical depth. So, it is important to ensure that you have quality content, appropriate screenshots, and videos describing your app and its functionality.

In order to be successful in the publishing process, a set of guidelines for the app content need to be followed.

App name

Please choose a unique name for your app, ideally something not too long. If your app integrates Lokalise with another service, it can be called after its name. For example, Slack, Asana, Trello, etc.
Character limit: 50

App description

Give a brief description of your app and how this will work with Lokalise. It should not be too long: ideally, 4-5 sentences that sum up the app's general aim and benefits.
Character limit: 200

⚠️ NOTE: The app description should not contain any links, emails, or code samples.


Here’s an example description for our Adobe XD app:

Easily sync design content between Adobe XD and Lokalise and preview how new translations will impact your design. This app gives your teams the ability to create multilingual prototypes, implement localization, and see screenshots in the translation editor for a smoother localization process.

App key features

Please provide a list of your app’s key features. Ideally, the list should contain from 3 to 10 items depending on how complex your app is. Each item should briefly sum up one feature: it should not be overly long (15 words at most).

⚠️ NOTE: The App key features should not contain any links, emails, or code samples.


Here’s an example list of features of the Adobe XD app:

  • Push texts from Adobe XD to Lokalise
  • Set key names (or use any of the patterns for automatic naming)
  • Create new keys and screenshots in Lokalise
  • Match Adobe XD texts to existing Lokalise keys
  • Pull translated texts from Lokalise to Adobe XD
  • Seamlessly switch Adobe XD design language

App logo

Please ensure that your app logo has:
File format: PNG
Image resolution: 512 x 512 px
Transparent background & Dark mode version if needed

App screenshots

Share with us 3-4 screenshots demonstrating your app’s features.
File format: PNG
Image resolution: at least 1574 x 870 px
Image size: < 5 mb

App video

Provide a demo video link covering the app's setup/installation, usage and features. Keep your video short (we recommend 30-60 seconds), and upload your video to Youtube, Vimeo, or Wistia to add it to your listing. You can add a voice over or add some subtitles to explain the general idea.

Support Documentation

Making your app easy to use and providing clear and easily digestible support documentation is important for your app’s success. User-facing support documentation will also require your app to pass our review process.

You should make the value of your app clear and what you will and won’t be using their data for. Please ensure that the app adhere to the following recommended structure.

What is Lokalise?Include this sections when your users are likely to discover your app outside of the Lokalise environment
What is [App Name] An overview of your app and what it can help the user do.
How does [App Name] Work?Details about what the app does, and how it does it.
How will [App Name] Affect my Lokalise instance?How will your app interact with the Lokalise platform
How to Install [App Name] Step-by-step instructions for installing your app. Include screen captures or videos for any tricky steps.
(Optional) Configuring [App Name] If your app has different options or settings, explain what they are and where/how to change them.
How to Use [App Name] Step-by-step instructions for your app's basic use case. If this section is long, or your app has multiple use-cases, we recommend creating a separate article for each case. Link them from the main article!
How to Uninstall [App Name] Step-by-step instructions for uninstalling your app. If uninstalling your app will result in possible data loss or otherwise has the potential to create problems, make sure you are extremely clear about what will happen.
FAQAny frequently-asked questions about the app that come up, or that you expect to come up.

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